Keep Water Where It Belongs with Our Drainage Control Solutions

At Elegant Landscaping, LLC, we take pride in providing top-notch drainage control solutions to our valued clients. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals is ready to ensure that your property is protected from water damage and that you are happy with our services. We offer a wide range of drainage control solutions, including French and gutter drain installations, and we customize our services to meet your specific needs. Contact us today in Rolla, MO, to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help protect your property. Be sure to get started before it's too late. Give us a call now at 573-364-9214 to get started.

Customized Drainage Control Systems to Protect Your Property

Prevent water damage

Drainage control systems are designed to direct water away from your home's foundation, preventing water damage to your basement or crawl space.

Prevent soil erosion

Allowing water to pool in one area can lead to soil erosion. Drainage control systems help prevent this problem by directing water away from areas that are vulnerable.

Improve soil quality

When water can pool in one area, it can damage the soil and prevent plants from growing. Drainage control systems can help avoid soil saturation, improving the health of your soil and the plants that grow in it.

Reduce the risk of mold and mildew

By preventing water damage to your home, drainage control systems can also help reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth, which can cause health problems for you and your family.

Increase your home's value

A well-designed and installed drainage control system can add value to your home by preventing water damage and improving the overall health of your yard and garden.


Drainage control systems can be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences. Whether you need a simple system or a more complex one, a drainage control solution will work for you.

Low maintenance

 With proper installation and regular maintenance, drainage control systems require little maintenance, making them a convenient and practical choice for homeowners.

Expert Installation and Maintenance of Drainage Control Solutions for Your Peace of Mind

At Elegant Landscaping, LLC, we understand that proper drainage control is essential to protecting your property from water damage. We offer expert installation and maintenance services for various drainage solutions to meet your needs.

Our professionals will work closely with you to assess your property's drainage needs and design a customized solution for your budget and requirements. From French drains to gutter drains and more, we use only the highest quality materials and the latest techniques to ensure optimal performance and durability.

In addition to expert installation, we offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure your drainage system stays in top condition. Our team will inspect, clean, and repair your system as needed to prevent clogs and other issues that can compromise its effectiveness.

Call Elegant Landscaping, LLC Today to Get Started

Transform your outdoor space with Elegant Landscaping, LLC and their expert touch, from hardscaping to gutters and retaining walls, we do it all!

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